Coleman, thank you for your response to my post. I've lost track with Jeff. If there's any way you can forward my comment to him, I'd appreciate it. Great interview, by the way.

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Hi Douglas, so sorry I missed your second comment! I’ll be happy to let Jeff know. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled ☺️

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Thanks, Coleman, I didn't hear from him but I still maintain he's a very talented writer. the film was vastly misunderstood, and I'm truly regretful he and I lost touch, much of it my fault.

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Thanks, Coleman. You can give him my email if he wants it. Thanks so much.

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My very dear friend from long ago wrote this movie. I loved it. Still do. I am glad Jeff is still writing. He is talented and a mensch.

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This movie is so underrated and magnificent! They should totally find a way to release that director's cut mentioned before as a limited steelbook edition or something, it'd be incredible!

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Thanks for the terrific interview, Coleman. Jeff is a dear friend I met several lives ago when he was a student in the intro film class I taught at DePauw University. He got to Hollywood a year or so before I did. We remained friends through the many ups and downs of our careers in Tinseltown. Though we eventually lost touch with each other, your interview reminds me that we, in at least one instance, led parallel lives. I, like Jeff, authored a cult film featuring a notorious actress. Mine was an MOW entitled DEATH OF A CHEERLEADER. Its star? Tory Spelling. There were two differences. Lindsay could act...and my film somehow ended up the most popular MOW of the year it aired, developing a cult following that led to its being remade (badly) twenty years after its initial release. It's a shame Jeff has had to wait so long to get the recognition and acclaim he deserves. Please let him know he still has a fan and friend in me and that I'd love to have a long catch-up chat with him.

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